Descriptions Whales Pictures & Fun Facts About Different Whale Species book
Let us introduce you to the wonderful world of some of the most interesting mammals that live in the ocean, whales. "Whales, Pictures & Fun Facts About Different Whale Species" includes beautiful pictures and also size comparison diagrams of each whale compared to a human. A glossary is included and also basic diagrams of whale anatomy. Some of the different whale species cover in this ebook include:
Bowhead Whale
North Atlantic Right Whale
North Pacific Right Whale
Southern Right Whale
Blue Whale
Bryde’s whale
Common Minke Whale
Antarctic Minke Whale
Fin whale
Sei Whale
Humpback Whale
Gray Whale
Pygmy Right Whale
Beluga Whale
Sperm Whale
Dwarf Sperm Whale
Pygmy Sperm Whale
Beaked Whale
Northern Bottlenose Whale
Southern Bottlenose Whale
Spade-Toothed Whale
A few fun facts about whales to get you started include:
Whales are not fish; they are mammals and like humans they need air to breathe, they don’t have gills like fish. They give birth to live babies that even have hair. A baby whale is called a calf.
Their nostrils are called blowholes and are found on their back. This is where air comes in and out when they breathe.They have to keep their blowhole above the surface when sleeping. The fat that keeps them warm is called the blubber.
They come in different shapes and sizes. They also love to sing because it is their way to communicate and have fun. There are scientists who have said that these large and intelligent mammals once walked on Earth and over thousands of years of evolution they lost their legs and learned how to find food and rest underwater. Some whales can stay underwater for around 90 minutes.
Let us introduce you to the wonderful world of some of the most interesting mammals that live in the ocean, whales, enjoy this ebook., Second Grade Reading Books .