Descriptions The Essential Interactive Guide To Dinosaurs & Sharks For Kids Bundle PDF

Hi and a very warm welcome to "The Essential Interactive Guide To Dinosaurs & Sharks For Kids Bundle".
I'm one of those people who loves to hear about extraordinary facts or trivia about anything. They seem to be one of the few things my memory can actually recall. I'm not sure if it's to do with the shock or the "WoW" factor but for some reason my brain seems to store it for a later date.
I've always been a great believer in that whatever the subject, if a good teacher can inspire you and hold your attention, then you'll learn!
Now I'm not a teacher but the system I've used in previous publications on Kindle seems to work well, particularly with children.
This "Bundle" edition, featuring two of my books, includes a selection of those "WoW" facts combined with some pretty awesome pictures, if I say so myself! At the end there is a short "True or False" quiz to check memory recall and to help cement some of the information included in the book. Don't worry though, it's a bit of fun but at the same time, it helps to check understanding.
Let me know what you think using the review page section. Feedback is crucial to any author.
I hope you enjoy the show!
Matt., 4Th Grade Reading Books .