Descriptions The Minichefs Cookbook book

Minichefs is a cookery school for children of all ages founded by Claire McAvoy seven years ago in the Channel Islands. Since the classes started Claire has taught thousands of children during the school holidays and at weekends, to prepare modern, healthy recipes in a fun and safe environment. She is a local celebrity in Jersey and Guernsey with parents and children alike because of her energy, enthusiasm and foremost her emphasis that cooking can be fun as well as educational. They use fun and funky recipes which appeal to children and are simple to make. This, her first book, is the result of her years of helping 'Minichef' children develop kitchen skills through taste, smell, touch, sight and sound. It contains Claire's personally developed child-friendly recipes and guidance on teaching your children to enjoy food and cooking. There is so much processed food and so many ready meals around today that children have become divorced from the hands on experience of cooking fresh ingredients. Claire and her army of Minichefs are changing all that and here share their favourite recipes and kitchen tips with all those other parents and children who want to become part of this exciting club., Good Books To Read 2016 .