Descriptions Orca - Killer Whales! Amazing facts, photos & video links to one of the world's most intelligent animals. Early Reader Books for Under 8's. (Amazing Animals Early Reader Books Book 1) for Free

IP Factly presents... "Orca - Killer Whales!" one of our amazing animals early reader books.
Amazing facts and photos of the killer whale plus an accompanying webpage with videos of one of the world's most intelligent animals.
Aimed mainly at the 7 and under age range, it's a fun and fascinating way for guided readers to find out more about the beautiful but deadly orca.
Books by IP Factly have been #1 kindle bestsellers because they present animals in a fun and entertaining way - mixing facts, photos and video clips.
IP Factly's Amazing Animals early reader books have been designed to encourage and help guided reading - a vital step to independent reading and learning.
Accompanying webpage
This book provides fact after fact for information hungry children to tell family and friends, and even has an accompanying webpage with videos of the killer whales free and wild in the ocean. The videos have all been specially selected for very young children to enjoy.
It makes learning fun and gives a real reason for children to want to read by themselves. Kids will love discovering animal facts to share and enjoy.
The Amazing Animals range and the Killer Whale books encourage children along the path to truly independent reading and learning.
This book is great for both children that are read to and for guided readers.
See for yourself by clicking on the front cover to look inside the book.
Orcas are killer whales
But orcas are not whales!
Orcas are easy to spot
Male orca's top fin
Orcas age
Females live longer
Orcas live in pods
Orcas are mammals
Orcas breathe air
A baby orca is called a calf
How orcas communicate
Calves learn to communicate
Orcas size
Calves are big
Orcas are the fastest mammals in the sea
Orcas live in all oceans
Orcas migrate to find food
Orcas are predators
What do orca pods prefer to eat?
Wolves of the sea
Orcas are very clever
Wave washing
Steal fish from fishermen
Held in sea parks
Wild orcas don’t see humans as food
Child-friendly video footage
More Images
Thank you for reading!
Video Links
The animals are accompanied by pictures and facts plus at the end there is a link to a safe webpage where children can see videos of the orca whales and how they behave.
The video links mean children come back again and again, naturally developing their reading and learning skills (early kindle models don't support video but safe website links are given).
Scroll up and Buy this book now - your child will love going back to it again and again., Must Read Books Of All Time .