Descriptions New Kid, New Scene: A Guide to Moving and Switching Schools book

Starting out as the new kid in a new school can be like performing as an extra in a movie. You can feel alone, pushed to the side, and unsure of where you could possibly fit in or if there is a place for you. Thankfully, New Kid, New Scene was written just for you. This book gives the ins and outs of navigating new surroundings, making new friends (as well as staying in touch with old ones), and finding a place that feels like your own. It is full of real-life stories from kids who have been in your shoesfacing a new school and new life and how they were able to survive and even thrive in their new environment. It is packed with useful advice and questions for when you are worried or upset. New kid, New Scene shows you that you are star in this new change in your life and not just an extra., Good Books To Read 2016 .